Apr 5, 2024
Maintaining Your 2024 Chevrolet at Your Chevy Dealer: Top Maintenance Services for Longevity

If you recently got a brand new 2024 Chevrolet from your Chevy dealer, you are probably still basking in that new car excitement and impressive performance. To keep the thrilling driving experience going for years, it’s crucial to stay on top of maintenance. Here are the maintenance services that will prolong your Chevy’s life.

Maintaining Your 2024 Chevrolet at Your Chevy Dealer: Top Maintenance Services for Longevity

Don’t Skip Oil Changes

Regular oil changes are important for the health of your Chevy’s engine. Oil lubricates moving parts, reducing friction and wear. It also removes contaminants from the engine and protects components from overheating. Delaying your oil services can increase engine wear, reduce performance, and lower fuel economy. So change the engine oil as recommended in your owner’s manual to keep the engine running smoothly.

Get Regular Tire Maintenance

Your new Chevy’s sleek tires need proper maintenance to maintain smooth handling and traction. Regular tire rotation and alignment promote even tread wear, which improves traction, handling, fuel economy, and safety on the road. It also prolongs the life of your new tires, allowing you to get the most life out of them before buying a new set.

Check and Refill Crucial Fluids

Your Chevy relies on the brake fluid, transmission fluid, coolant, and power steering fluid to run smoothly. After miles of circulating through the systems, these fluids degrade or fall below optimal levels. Check your fluids regularly and change them as recommended in your Chevy’s owner’s manual.

If any fluids are low, top them up between service appointments to maintain optimal system performance and efficiency. Our technicians will also check for leaks to ensure they are not the reason for low fluid levels.

Inspect Your Brakes Regularly

Brakes are among the most important safety components in your Chevy. If the brake pads, rotors, or other parts wear out, they can reduce the effectiveness and responsiveness of your brakes. Get regular inspections to identify worn parts that need replacement. For optimal braking power and safety, get OEM brake parts from the dealership and have them installed by our Chevy-certified technicians.

Perform Routine Diagnostic Tests

A diagnostic test checks for minor issues in your Chevy’s engine, battery, spark plugs and other ignition components, emission system, and transmission. This test reads error codes from your Chevy’s on-board computer and reveals minor issues, allowing you to fix them promptly. If you get the test done at least once a year, you won’t need to worry about car problems sneaking up on you.

Stay on top of these maintenance tasks, and your Chevy will continue running as it did when it was brand new. Contact Pioneer Chevrolet in Abingdon, VA to schedule routine maintenance for your new Chevy.